
Improving Our Neighborhood

Is this a reason to hold a meeting?
As I was out distributing flyers to advertise my blog last week, I had the opportunity to visit with a couple of our neighbors.  Anyway, the one neighbor, who lives near 56th & Fort shared his concern about the condition of 56th Street from Fort to Browne.  He shared that this patch of 56th Street is in need of replacement. Take a look at the pictures I included.  Did you know that  56th Street is the only straight shot from Sorenson Parkway to Ames Street?

56th & Fort Looking to the South

56th & Camden Looking North
I also spoke with a neighbor who lives on 51st St between Hartman and Fort.  This neighbor also pointed out how this road needs to be replaced.

51st & Fort looking North

51st & Hartman looking South
Please read my post titled "Goals for the Neighborhood?"  Neighbors we have the power to direct the change in our neighborhood.  Lets be proactive!  If we work together we can begin improving our neighborhood.  This cant be done by one person.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Ms. Lorraine and her board responsible for getting 56th Street from Hartman to Crownpoint a replaced few years back?  Long term neighbors may recall that 56th Street from Hartman to  Crownpoint looked liked these roads a few years ago.


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