
Expanding to Ames Street

The 2012 neighborhood board discussed the option of expanding our neighborhood association boundaries to Ames Street as part of our capacity building goals.  Our funding sources and neighbor participation may increase if we have larger numbers in our association.  This idea was tabled.  Also having more businesses in the neighborhood my increase sponsorship and donation sources.

What are your thoughts neighbors?   What would be some of the benefits of expanding our association to Ames Street?   What would be some of the drawbacks?    Lets hear you!  Because what ever decision is made, you WILL be effected by it!!

Is this a reason to meet?


Increased membership base
More businesses can be involved
More Churches involved
More neighbors to help carry the neighborhood forward


While up at the community garden I noticed that the community garden sign is in need of repair and/or replacement.  

C'mon neighbors, can this be a project for one of the church youth groups in our neighborhood?  Does anyone have a youth group, scout group, or is in need of a community service project who could complete this project? 
Can this be a way for your group to Get connected~Get results and contribute to the neighborhood?

This sign looks bad.


Is our Neighborhood Safe?

Is our neighborhood safe?  The leadership of our neighborhood admit they feel it is unsafe to walk up to the doors of our neighbors.  This is more reason for us neighbors to come  together to get our neighborhood safe.  The neighborhood needs your help!

Check out this site:       Crime Mapping for our Neighborhood
Type in your address to see how much and what types of crimes are being committed near you.

How can we reduce crime in our neighborhood?   Do we need a neighborhood watch?   Would in be in the neighborhood's best interest to develop an Omaha Coalition of Citizen's Patrol?
Check out their site for more information:    Omaha Coalition of Citizens Patrol

Neighbors I am urging us to be PROACTIVE!  We dont have to wait until something else drastic happens to take control of our neighborhood.   What do you think?

Is this a topic for a meeting?


dgb Farms

Hey Neighbors!  
I planted my garden today!  This is my first attempt to grow a garden.  I have already established that this hobby is not for me!  The bugs!  UGH!  Naw can't take those slimy, creepy, crawling things.  With that being said, here I go!  

I planted Bobcat Cabbage which I got from my uncle, some type of tomato, which I got from him also, Zucchini Squash, Bonnie Bell Green Peppers, which I purchased, and a variety of tomato which was donated by our neighbor Don S.  

This is the second year Don S. has donated tomato plants to the community garden for all the gardeners to share.  Not sure the total number donated this year, however last year Don S. donated over 80 plants!  Thank You Don S. for being a good neighbor.  
He is a great example of Get connected~Get results.

Check back on my progress! Hopefully this garden will produce enough to share with everyone.



What Is Occurring Now?

How can we work together to identify why the neighborhood has halted,  prevent the stagnation from continuing, and take steps to continue the growth the board experienced in 2012.

The titles for board members are:

Vice President
Newsletter Editor
Ad Sales Coordinator
Board Member

Do paid members want a say in who fills these positions?

Neighbors, what are the responsibilities of each of these offices?  The neighbors who are filling these offices are they carrying out the responsibilities of these offices?  

Are the right neighbors in these positions?  When will the neighbors who have paid their membership dues have a say in who fills these offices?  

Is it possible this may be preventing our neighborhood from growing?

What do you think?  Lets start a discussion on improving the neighborhood!   This is a reason to hold a meeting?

Maybe our neighborhood would benefit from elections.
If there is not enough interest in offices, then allow those neighbors who want to serve on the board to address the general membership to let them know what they are going to do to move our neighborhood forward and make our neighborhood a better place to live.  


Mission Statement & By-Laws

How can we work together to identify why the neighborhood has halted,  prevent the stagnation from continuing, and take steps to continue the growth the board experienced in 2012.

This is the mission statement for the neighborhood.  

Hartman Avenue Neighborhood Association Mission Statement

What are your thoughts?

Describe the neighborhood community spirit?  Are we working toward a clean safe neighborhood?  How is the neighborhood preserving the peace and tranquility?  Describe the communication with our neighbors and city leaders?

What are the By-Laws for the neighborhood? What policy and procedures are in place to help the neighborhood grow?

Are the by-laws relevent to our neighborhood as it is today? How can we get our neighbors involved to develop by laws which benefit the neighborhood?

How can we develop By-Laws with as much neighbor input as possible? Is this a reason to hold a general meeting?

In order for our neighborhood to become viable we need neighbors who are willing and able to think outside the box.  Our neighborhood would benefit from forward thinking neighbors, who when faced with challenges, persistently look for ways to keep moving forward to improve the quality of the neighborhood.  Your neighborhood needs your thoughts, ideas and action!  

Neighbors what do you think?


Is Our Neighborhood Viable?

Merriam/Webster defines viable as:

capable of growing or developing <viable seeds> <viable eggs>

capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately <viable alternatives>

capable of existence and development as an independent unit <the colony is now a viable state>

having a reasonable chance of succeeding <a viable candidate>

financially sustainable <a viable enterprise>

Does our neighborhood fit this description? If not, neighbors how do we work together to help our neighborhood fit this description?

Is this a topic for a meeting?

We know we have neighbors who care about the neighborhood because in March, June, & Sept of 2012 you came out in record numbers to learn about what is going on in the neighborhood. Speak Out Neighbors! We want to hear what you think!

Neighbors what do you think?

Lets Begin the Discussion.......

Neighbors, our neighborhood association needs your help!

How can we work together to identify why the neighborhood has halted,  prevent the stagnation from continuing, and take steps to continue the growth the board experienced in 2012.

Please review and seriously consider the following posts:  (These topics will post over the next few days)

What are other Neighborhoods doing?

Is Our Neighborhood Viable?

By-Laws & Mission Statement

What Is Occurring Now?

Decide on a Governing Style

Building a Relationship with Our Elected Officials

Fundraising Suggestions!

Goals for the Neighborhood?

Lets hear what you think!



Post Anonymous

My goal is to start a conversation with my neighbors about our neighborhood. It is hoped that this blog will encourage discussion to motivate change.  

Everyone in the neighborhood will benefit from a neighborhood has a solid foundation built by neighbors sharing and supporting one another.

In order to receive the maximum results, maximum neighbor input is needed.  

As a community we should be able to get credit for good ideas we share and have the opportunity to present an ideal to receive constructive criticism. This promotes growth and aids in building a solid base.

So I want to let you know there is a way to post your thoughts and do it anonymously!

Maybe you feel change is NOT needed. I would like to hear your views on why?

Neighbors Lets Be Proactive! We will all benefit!

What do you think?


Investing in Our Youth

One way we can change the direction of our neighborhood is to invest in our youth!
Neighbors lets celebrate the youth in our neighborhood!

If you have a graduate, or if you are a graduate let the neighborhood celebrate your accomplishment with you!

Email me a pic and a short bio of your graduate to post on this blog.  Please include your graduate's name, school, any special achievements, and plans after graduation.

We need graduates!   Whether graduating from pre-school, middle school, high school, or college.



Goals for the Neighborhood?

What is the vision for the neighborhood?
Neighbors please check out the website www.omahabydesign.org.  Omaha by Design, founded in 2001, is an urban design and environmental nonprofit dedicated to improving the way Omaha functions, looks and feels. The organization facilitates partnerships among the public, private and philanthropic sectors to execute projects that improve the quality of Omaha’s built and natural environments.

They have a Project called Place Game Workshop.  Please check this out.     

Place Game Workshop

Public spaces are defined as streets, intersections, parks, sidewalks, lots (depending on ownership).  

I am asking the neighborhood to come together to explore this opportunity.  As I stated before our neighborhood is changing and if we work together we have the power to direct that change.   Get out and explore our neighborhood.  What areas can we improve?   Do we need help identifying areas that need improvement?  We see our neighborhood every day, so those areas that need improvement may not be noticeable to us right away because we see it all the time.  A fresh set of eyes may help us.  The Place Game Workshop can help us with this too!  

Our neighborhood needs your help!  Neighbors what do you think?   Is this a reason to meet?

Thanks!  dgb


Spring Clean Up 2013

The annual neighborhood clean up was held on Saturday April 27, 2013. 

Approximately 15 neighbors volunteered to make this event a success.  Petit's Pastries donated doughnuts and coffee and water was provided for the volunteers.

Neighbors what are your thoughts about this neighborhood event?  Should it continue?
How does this event help the neighborhood with its mission & goals? Is this a topic for a meeting?

How can you as a neighbor contribute to making this annual event more known to our neighbors?

How can we advertise this event to encourage neighbor participation?  more neighbor volunteers?
Do we need to get funding to do more participation?
Let's be a proactive neighborhood!
What are our needs?


Help With Printing Costs

These are the printing prices that are available. There maybe more options:

Urban League

The price is by quantity and depends on if it is one-sided or two-sided black & white printing

The price quoted was $2.00 per 100- single sided and $3.00 per 100- double sided copies.

The 2012 board used the Urban League to print flyers last year at no charge.  All the board did was provide the paper.  The board would be encouraged to use the Urban League again.  This is a win-win for the everyone involved.  The people who perform the tasks of printing, folding, stapling, and tabbing the material, are those receiving food stamps or welfare.  This is a positive program.

print4uUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center

I was informed the more copies the cheaper the price per each.

Quantity: 500 Price: $287.33 Per Each:  $0.57

This is for a eight page B&W copy of HANA's Viewpoint.

Component: Size:

8 1/2 X 11
Bleed: No
Stock Description:
White Williamsburg Offset Plus
# of 2 Sided B/W:  3
# of 1 Sided B/W: 0

In order for our neighborhood to become viable we need neighbors who are willing and able to think outside the box.  Our neighborhood would benefit from forward thinking neighbors, who when faced with challenges, persistently look for ways to keep moving forward to improve the quality of the neighborhood.  Your neighborhood needs your thoughts, ideas and action!  

Does the neighborhood need a newsletter? Is the print media still relevant and cost effective for our neighborhood?  

How do you suggest we get information to our neighbors? What is the best way to communicate with our neighbors?

Does the neighborhood need to mail the newsletter?

What do you think? Is this an issue to meet about?
thanks dgb


What the board accomplished in 2012.

Adopted Gmail

To over simplify, gmail is like an “office in a box”.   Gmail provided the neighborhood with an official email address and phone number, so the association can communicate more effectively with our neighbors and vice versa.  Gmail offers the ability to create, document, store, share, transfer and archive information including data, pictures, audio and video to our neighbors and community partners.  So flyers, newsletters, budgets, people, and donations can be easily managed as the neighborhood begins to grow.

Developed a Community Garden

The leaders of the churches in our neighborhood were invited to meetings to discuss how the churches can become more involved in the neighborhood.  As a result of those meetings the Community Garden was established.  The Community Garden is located at 59th & Northhampton Blvd, between Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church and OHA’s Crown Towers.  2013 will be the second year for the garden.

Applied for Grants

The neighborhood association applied for and received Mayor Jim Suttle’s 2012 Neighborhood Grant.  The neighborhood was awarded $1160.00.  The funds were used to start the community garden.   In this grant the board asked for $1500.00 to start a website.  The neighborhood did not receive funding to start a website.  A grant was submitted to the Omaha Community Foundation: African American Unity fund in the amount of $10,000.00.  This grant was not awarded however it provided the neighborhood association an opportunity to partner with Black Men United, which if the grant was awarded, was going to be the fiduciary. If awarded the monies were planned to be used to fund capacity building activities and to aid in organization and stability of the neighborhood association.  

Moved the Nights Out Event to Hartman Square

This was done because after speaking to our neighbors it was found that our neighbors felt that the Nights Out Event was a church event.  Unfortunately, this perception kept many neighbors away.   The Nights Out event was moved to Hartman Square, located on 60th & Hartman not only to change the perception but also to highlight the small businesses in our neighborhood.  Small businesses are good for our neighborhood.  We want the existing businesses to stay and would encourage more small businesses to come to our area.  

Moved the General Meeting to Mt View Elementary School

Again the perception was that the neighborhood association was a church group.   So the board approved the shift to hold the neighborhood association’s general meetings at Mt View Elementary School.  This location is a neutral location, where all our neighbors feel comfortable and it also allows the neighborhood association to begin to develop a relationship with  Mt View School.  

Focused on Capacity Building

Developed a campaign to get our neighbors involved in the neighborhood by posting flyers on our neighbor’s doors, receiving HANA’s Viewpoint one week prior to the general meeting, developing a Facebook page, regular email communication, yard signs, emailing agendas 1 week prior to the general meeting, in addition to; gathering and compiling a database of our neighbors, partners, and community resources in gmail.   The board also built an outreach component into each neighborhood sponsored events.  To promote stability, the board adopted to hold the general meetings the 3rd Tuesday of March, June, and Sept.  

The board agreed to mail out a color copy of HANA's Viewpoint to paid members only. This was done as a benefit to paid members. A few black & white copies were to be available at the general meetings for neighbors who wanted them. Also as a benefit to paid members, they would receive holiday greetings from the neighborhood and the neighborhood would send flowers and/or a card to neighbors who are ill or have have passed on.

Agreed to increase membership dues to $15.00 for households and $25.00 for businesses. (This was later rescinded.  Not sure why because the neighborhood needs funding!)

Adopted the Neighborhood Center as Official Mailing Address
The neighborhood center is no longer available, however this agency was chosen so all neighborhood association mail will be delivered to one place.  It gave the neighborhood association an official address.  This helps the neighborhood become and remain organized.

Adopted the use of Yard Signs
The board agreed to post yard signs 7 days prior to the General Meetings to advertise the meeting and promote neighbor participation. Signs advertising the neighborhood Night's Out event will be posted one week prior to the event.

Sole Sponsor of Neighborhood Picnic for 2012
In past years the neighborhood picnic was heavily sponsored by our neighborhood partner Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.  In 2012 the neighborhood association carried the expense and executed a fun time, food and activities for the neighborhood at Norwick Park.

The 2012 Board experienced record breaking attendance at the 2012 general meetings and it appears during this period membership was at record levels.  The 2012 board also experienced a tremendous increase in participation from our neighbors in neighborhood events during this time period.

These are just a few things from a list of things the 2012 board accomplished.

We need forwarding thinking neighbors to direct the change in our neighborhood.  How can you help improve our neighborhood?  

How can we build on the momentum started in 2012? Is this a topic for a meeting?  
Neighbors what do you think?

What are other Neighborhoods Doing?

I personally challenge each neighbor to attend a meeting of an active neighborhood association who is receiving the results they want.  When you attend the meeting ask them how they are achieving their success, maybe  we can implement the same strategies in our neighborhood.   Drive through and take a look at their streets, sidewalks, parks.  If you really want to get deep compare their property values to yours?  How do they compare?  Ask and observe how they are achieving and maintaining the results they desire.
The ones I recommend are: Metcalf-Harrison Neighborhood Association, Deer Park Neighborhood Association, and Miller Park Minne Lusa Neighborhood Association.
It appears these neighborhood associations have meet for the spring quarter and the times & dates for their summer meetings are not listed yet.   Please drive through these neighborhoods and check them out.  In the meantime visit their websites and/or blogs for summer meeting dates & times as well as other neighborhood activities.

MHNA is represented by homeowners from 56th St. from Blondo St. to Western Ave. and 52nd St. from Lake St. to Western Ave. The business district is bounded by Cuming St. and Hamilton St. to Radial Hwy and 50th St. The association is open to all neighbors and businesses in the area.

This neighborhood association’s boundaries are defined in purple.

We meet the 1st Thursday of every month at Miller Park in the Pavilion. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and last about an hour with refreshments and fellowship  afterwards. Our dues are $6. for an individual and $10. for the family per year. Membership gives you voting privileges on issues and a reminder card mailed to you every month, so you don't miss any meetings.

The Miller Park Minne Lusa Citizen Patrol meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. right before the Neighborhood Association meeting. All meetings are open to the public, so please attend if you would like more information

What do you think? Please share your experiences to my challenge. Is this a topic for a meeting?

Thank You for caring about our neighborhood.  dgb

Neighborhood Meeting April 16, 2013

Just wanted to update my neighbors on what I experienced at the neighborhood meeting on Tuesday April 16, 2013 at Mt View School at 7 PM. Click on the link to hear the meeting and read the summary.

April General Meeting Notes

Approximately 15 neighbors attended this meeting.  Why didn’t  you attend?

Is our neighborhood safe?  The leadership of our neighborhood admit they feel it is unsafe to walk up to the doors of our neighbors.  This is more reason for us neighbors to come  together to get our neighborhood safe.  The neighborhood needs your help!

What are the issues that concern our neighbors?  When do the neighbors who have paid their dues get the opportunity to share how they feel about the issues that concern our neighborhood?

Why do we as neighbors pay dues to be a part of the neighborhood association and we are excluded in the final decision making process?  

If there are neighbors who are experiencing difficulty, there are programs out there to help!  Lets get our neighbors who need some assistance some help.  Everyone needs a little help every now and then.  Lets work together to identify those programs as well as the neighbors who would benefit from these programs and get it to the neighbors who need a helping hand.  

There is concern because when board members begin and continue to use their own funds to move a project forward, over time this can lend itself to feelings of possession.  When possession is present and not ownership, it makes it hard to change.    Even when the change would be in the best interest.  Because change is more difficult the trend tends to be stagnation not growth.  I suggest that the leadership limit the use of their own money to move neighborhood projects forward; and in its place find sources to fund what the neighborhood needs to accomplish.  Such as grants, donations, and sponsorships. This creates ownership.  If the neighbors take ownership in the neighborhood and the activities; the neighborhood will flourish.

What do you neighbors think?

The question what does the neighborhood association do?, was not answered.

Neighbors! What do you want your neighborhood association to do?

Merriam/Webster defines viable as:

capable of growing or developing <viable seeds> <viable eggs>

capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately <viable alternatives>

capable of existence and development as an independent unit <the colony is now a viable state>

having a reasonable chance of succeeding <a viable candidate>

financially sustainable <a viable enterprise>

Does our neighborhood fit this description? If not, neighbors how do we work together to help our neighborhood fit this description?

Is this a topic for a meeting?

We know we have neighbors who care about the neighborhood because in March, June, & Sept of 2012 you came out in record numbers to learn about what is going on in the neighborhood. Speak Out Neighbors! We want to hear what you think!

Neighbors what do you think?

Thanks!  dgb