
dgb Farms

Hey Neighbors!  
I planted my garden today!  This is my first attempt to grow a garden.  I have already established that this hobby is not for me!  The bugs!  UGH!  Naw can't take those slimy, creepy, crawling things.  With that being said, here I go!  

I planted Bobcat Cabbage which I got from my uncle, some type of tomato, which I got from him also, Zucchini Squash, Bonnie Bell Green Peppers, which I purchased, and a variety of tomato which was donated by our neighbor Don S.  

This is the second year Don S. has donated tomato plants to the community garden for all the gardeners to share.  Not sure the total number donated this year, however last year Don S. donated over 80 plants!  Thank You Don S. for being a good neighbor.  
He is a great example of Get connected~Get results.

Check back on my progress! Hopefully this garden will produce enough to share with everyone.


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