
Goals for the Neighborhood?

What is the vision for the neighborhood?
Neighbors please check out the website www.omahabydesign.org.  Omaha by Design, founded in 2001, is an urban design and environmental nonprofit dedicated to improving the way Omaha functions, looks and feels. The organization facilitates partnerships among the public, private and philanthropic sectors to execute projects that improve the quality of Omaha’s built and natural environments.

They have a Project called Place Game Workshop.  Please check this out.     

Place Game Workshop

Public spaces are defined as streets, intersections, parks, sidewalks, lots (depending on ownership).  

I am asking the neighborhood to come together to explore this opportunity.  As I stated before our neighborhood is changing and if we work together we have the power to direct that change.   Get out and explore our neighborhood.  What areas can we improve?   Do we need help identifying areas that need improvement?  We see our neighborhood every day, so those areas that need improvement may not be noticeable to us right away because we see it all the time.  A fresh set of eyes may help us.  The Place Game Workshop can help us with this too!  

Our neighborhood needs your help!  Neighbors what do you think?   Is this a reason to meet?

Thanks!  dgb

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