
What the board accomplished in 2012.

Adopted Gmail

To over simplify, gmail is like an “office in a box”.   Gmail provided the neighborhood with an official email address and phone number, so the association can communicate more effectively with our neighbors and vice versa.  Gmail offers the ability to create, document, store, share, transfer and archive information including data, pictures, audio and video to our neighbors and community partners.  So flyers, newsletters, budgets, people, and donations can be easily managed as the neighborhood begins to grow.

Developed a Community Garden

The leaders of the churches in our neighborhood were invited to meetings to discuss how the churches can become more involved in the neighborhood.  As a result of those meetings the Community Garden was established.  The Community Garden is located at 59th & Northhampton Blvd, between Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church and OHA’s Crown Towers.  2013 will be the second year for the garden.

Applied for Grants

The neighborhood association applied for and received Mayor Jim Suttle’s 2012 Neighborhood Grant.  The neighborhood was awarded $1160.00.  The funds were used to start the community garden.   In this grant the board asked for $1500.00 to start a website.  The neighborhood did not receive funding to start a website.  A grant was submitted to the Omaha Community Foundation: African American Unity fund in the amount of $10,000.00.  This grant was not awarded however it provided the neighborhood association an opportunity to partner with Black Men United, which if the grant was awarded, was going to be the fiduciary. If awarded the monies were planned to be used to fund capacity building activities and to aid in organization and stability of the neighborhood association.  

Moved the Nights Out Event to Hartman Square

This was done because after speaking to our neighbors it was found that our neighbors felt that the Nights Out Event was a church event.  Unfortunately, this perception kept many neighbors away.   The Nights Out event was moved to Hartman Square, located on 60th & Hartman not only to change the perception but also to highlight the small businesses in our neighborhood.  Small businesses are good for our neighborhood.  We want the existing businesses to stay and would encourage more small businesses to come to our area.  

Moved the General Meeting to Mt View Elementary School

Again the perception was that the neighborhood association was a church group.   So the board approved the shift to hold the neighborhood association’s general meetings at Mt View Elementary School.  This location is a neutral location, where all our neighbors feel comfortable and it also allows the neighborhood association to begin to develop a relationship with  Mt View School.  

Focused on Capacity Building

Developed a campaign to get our neighbors involved in the neighborhood by posting flyers on our neighbor’s doors, receiving HANA’s Viewpoint one week prior to the general meeting, developing a Facebook page, regular email communication, yard signs, emailing agendas 1 week prior to the general meeting, in addition to; gathering and compiling a database of our neighbors, partners, and community resources in gmail.   The board also built an outreach component into each neighborhood sponsored events.  To promote stability, the board adopted to hold the general meetings the 3rd Tuesday of March, June, and Sept.  

The board agreed to mail out a color copy of HANA's Viewpoint to paid members only. This was done as a benefit to paid members. A few black & white copies were to be available at the general meetings for neighbors who wanted them. Also as a benefit to paid members, they would receive holiday greetings from the neighborhood and the neighborhood would send flowers and/or a card to neighbors who are ill or have have passed on.

Agreed to increase membership dues to $15.00 for households and $25.00 for businesses. (This was later rescinded.  Not sure why because the neighborhood needs funding!)

Adopted the Neighborhood Center as Official Mailing Address
The neighborhood center is no longer available, however this agency was chosen so all neighborhood association mail will be delivered to one place.  It gave the neighborhood association an official address.  This helps the neighborhood become and remain organized.

Adopted the use of Yard Signs
The board agreed to post yard signs 7 days prior to the General Meetings to advertise the meeting and promote neighbor participation. Signs advertising the neighborhood Night's Out event will be posted one week prior to the event.

Sole Sponsor of Neighborhood Picnic for 2012
In past years the neighborhood picnic was heavily sponsored by our neighborhood partner Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.  In 2012 the neighborhood association carried the expense and executed a fun time, food and activities for the neighborhood at Norwick Park.

The 2012 Board experienced record breaking attendance at the 2012 general meetings and it appears during this period membership was at record levels.  The 2012 board also experienced a tremendous increase in participation from our neighbors in neighborhood events during this time period.

These are just a few things from a list of things the 2012 board accomplished.

We need forwarding thinking neighbors to direct the change in our neighborhood.  How can you help improve our neighborhood?  

How can we build on the momentum started in 2012? Is this a topic for a meeting?  
Neighbors what do you think?

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